Debbie Regan
Locations - Property
Owner Information Page
Thank you for your interest in listing your property with Debbie Regan Locations for filming and/or photo shoots. For each property, please send a separate email
You can send serveral photos in one email. Please email them as attatchments (jpegs or img).
ALWAYS include:
- Owner's Name & Contact Name (if different)
- COMPLETE Address (with cross street, city/town, zip code (and neighborhood if NYC))
- Contact Numbers (including co-op/condo board, if applicable)
- E-mail Addresses
A detailed description of the location is very helpful. For example, a 4000 sq ft traditional colonial house on one acre with an in ground swimming pool, white kitchen, sunroom, porch or, a 10,000 sq ft warehouse with 30 ft ceilings and brick walls. The more descriptive, the better. If you live in a co-op or condo, please contact your board to ensure photography/filming is permitted and inform us if there are restrictions, limitations, or additional pertinent information. Thank you!
Location Scout NY, Location Scout New York, NYC Area Location Scouting,
NJ, CT, NY Location Library, Locations Online, Film Scout, Movie
Location Scout, Photo, TV, Video, & Events, Location Agent, Location
Scouting- New York, City, Connecticut, New Jersey |